Ideal location is near a window with access to sunshine. Fat Plants prefer filtered or dappled light, and require at least 4 hours a day, preferring as much as possible.
Avoid direct mid-day sun where they can burn.
Drowning is the main culprit for most fat CASUALTIES. When it comes to water, less is more!
Once a month, give a squeeze. 20-60 pumps of water from the Fat Plant bottle.
(20 for a POLÝ MIKRÓ, 30 for a MIKRÓ, 40 for a MESAÍO, 60+ for a MEGÁLO)
Planting bed should be completely dry between watering.
Sometimes little succulents, or suckers just don't survive. When they are shriveled and dry, carefully pinch away the dead growth.
If you notice mold, remove the moldy plant so it doesn't spread.
After many months of joy, Fat Plants might look a little bummed.
Contact us to arrange a refresh with new plants.